Blog 11. How to use WordArt in the Childcare Settings.


WordArt in childcare is a must have tool. I find it really easy to access and not hard to use. It is fun and creative for the teachers and a good resource for learning for the children.You can introduce letters, shapes, colors and all sorts of characters in a classroom. With WordArt you can bring color and fun in a class.

For my children in the class, I used WordArt to make a Star. This is going to be used for their Christmas Play, this year, called ‘ Shine Star, Shine! ‘ . I included all their names  inside the star using different colors.  They were very excited to see it; ‘ a star’ they said, and started to ask me what color is their name. Some of them looked for the letter their name begins with, some can recognize their name. It was an exciting experience for both,children and teacher.

New technology brings all kind of ideas in the class and help children achieve new visual information that will help them develop creativity. They learn through their senses, WordArt emphasize the color and shape children will use for their own drawing.

Down below is my piece of work in WordArt.


Also, with older children can be done so much. Here is an example I have got on pinterest.




I will also use WordArt to create some pieces of class work like, find the opposite, or match the correct numbers or letters. I discovered that the more you use WordArt the more ideas you get. Now I can share WordArt with the other teachers.

I would like to link WordArt to Montessori, that encourages the visual aspect in child development. It is very important the order in the class and in the materials children use,as the children visualize the aspect of the room and their piece of work, and that helps them be organised and keep things tidy. That’s what WordArt works at,it works at the aspect.



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